Sunday, July 26, 2009

FotoSketcher tutorial (Youtube video)


I have just uploaded a video tutorial on Youtube, which will show you the basics of FotoSketcher.

Here is the link:

You can watch the tutorial in HD.

Best regards,


Saturday, July 25, 2009

Official release of FotoSketcher 1.9

Hi all!

FotoSketcher 1.9 is officially released and can be downloaded from

Here is an example of the new oil painting effect (photo credit Stck Xchng, as usual):

What's new in version 1.9:
- New watercolor effect
- New oil painting (impasto) effect
- Better dropdown list of filters
- Reset a drawing parameter by double-clicking on its name (eg 'Colour intensity')
- When using a lined frame, easily swap colours with a new button
- Some bug fixes, of course (and probably some new bugs added...)



Sunday, July 19, 2009

New beta version is available - with watercolor and impasto effects

Hi all,

After long months of researching, coding, debugging, optimising (then debugging again of course), a new release of FotoSketcher is near. Thanks to all who bought me some well needed coffee!

If you wish to test the beta version, you can download it directly here:

I have added two new painting effects: watercolor and oil paint (or impasto). Both are based on the same segmentation algorithm, which breaks down an image into regions of similar color and then adds brush strokes textures (sounds simple, does it not?).

Here is an example painting:

Have fun with FotoSketcher!
As always, I welcome your feedback.

All the best,
