Monday, September 9, 2024

FotoSketcher 3.96 Release Candidate available

Hi all,

FotoSketcher 3.96 is now 99% ready. 

Before the official release, you can already test it by downloading the release candidate (portable version, no setup) here:

I have tested in Windows 10, Windows 11 and MacOS with Whisky ( on an M2 MacBook Air and it worked flawlessly.

Unless a showstopper bug is found this RC version will be released officially very soon.

As usual, I am very grateful if you could let me know if you find any issues with this version.

A huge thank you to all the people who have helped me over the years, with testing, translating and supporting me on Patreon or via PayPal (I am very grateful for all the coffee!).


New user inteface

New Pencil Sketch 6 effect
All the best,

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

New version 3.96 is nearing completion

Hi all,

I'm currently working on ironing out the last few bugs and should be able to release version 3.96 soon.

Here are some images produced during my latest tests.

All the best,


Saturday, August 17, 2024

FotoSketcher 3.96 beta 1 available for testing

Hi all,

Version 3.96 is nearly ready and is now entering stable beta phase.

From alpha 2, there have been some minor UI changes, a speed improvement for previewing when adding texture and the possibility to change the underpainting (or paper) color in the new Pencil 6 sketch effect.

As with other effects which support colored underpainting, you simply right-click on the preview image and a color picker will appear to choose the paper color.

Here is the direct download link:

As always, I would be extremely grateful if you could test this version and let me know if you find any bugs I may have missed! You can contact me at or by leaving a comment on this blog.

I hope you have fun with FotoSketcher :)

All the best,


Monday, August 12, 2024

FotoSketcher 3.96 alpha 2 available with new pencil sketch effect

Hi all,

FotoSketcher 3.96 alpha 2 is now available for testing, with a new pencil sketch effect (Pencil sketch 6).

You can download it here:

Apart from the new user interface, you will be able to test the new Pencil effect.

As usual, please let me know if you find any bugs ;)

Have fun,


Monday, July 8, 2024

FotoSketcher 3.96 alpha 1 available for testing

Hi all,

In order to modernize FotoSketcher's user interface and make it more legible, a brand new style will be introduced in version 3.96.

An early alpha version is available for testing and can be downloaded here:

For MacOS users, if you have a Mac with an Apple CPU (M1, M2 or M3), you can run this version using (100% free, as is FotoSketcher).

I have tested and it works incredibly well, faster than on my PC. Only caveat is that the Windows font is not included on MacOS, so the text will revert to a basic font. I'll be working on that.

Have fun!

Best regards,


Thursday, May 2, 2024

FotoSketcher 3.95 is officially released (Windows version)


Hi all!

FotoSketcher 3.95 for Windows is now officially released!

Head over to to download either the standalone version (no need to install, just run the .exe file) or the version with setup.

For MacOS users (with M1, M2 or M3 Apple processors), FotoSketcher for Windows can run on your Mac ;)

Just use the great and free program called Whisky avalaible here: It is primarily used to run Windows games on Macs, but FotoSketcher works fine with it (and fast too).

Here is a list of all changes and improvements in this release:

Main bug fixes:

  • a bug related to the default printer could prevent FotoSketcher from running
  • the manual brush would not work properly when the custom frame was applied with "autofit" on
  • the program would sometimes freeze when going to the website from the "About FotoSketcher" window
  • various small speed and stability enhancements

New and improved features:

  • New Pencil Sketch 5 effect (replaces the previous one)
  • New Light style for improved legibility
  • A new language has been added (Catalan) - thank you to user Robert LOPEZ for the translation!
  • Possibility to run FotoSketcher in silent mode (via the command line interface or by editing a shortcut to pass parameters). The syntax is as follows:
    FotoSketcher.exe -silent Source.jpg Dest.jpg 18 80 180 40 50 255 n y n
    where Source.jpg and Dest.jpg are respectively the filenames for the source image and the processd image, followed by the effect number (1 is Pencil Sketch 1, 2 is Pencil Sketch 2, etc...), followed by the 5 parameter values, and finally n/y for soften edges, frame and texture.
    For advanced users, this could be used to pilot FotoSketcher from another graphics program.
  • The standard custom frame has been updated and will adapt better (less distortion) to the image ratio (square, portrait or landscape)
  • Right-clicking on the small custom frame pictogram in the top-right corner reverts the custom frame to the default one if you had loaded another.

  • The script engine (press F5 to open the Window) now has a default script built-in. Just click the Run button to test it or the trash can to clear the script.

Here is an example made with the default script.


FotoSketcher 3.95 for Windows remains 100% free, even for commercial work (e.g. selling your images produced with FotoSketcher. No royalty or attribution necessary).

Have fun :)

All the best,



Sunday, April 21, 2024

FotoSketcher 3.95 beta - available for testing

 Hi all,

Hot off the press, FotoSketcher 3.95 beta 1 is now available for download here:

Here are the new features in this release:

  • A printer bug, which could prevent FotoSketcher from running, has been solved
  • A new and improved Pencil Sketch 5 effect has replaced the old one
  • A new language has been added (Catalan) - thank you to user Robert LOPEZ for the translation!
  • Global performance has been (slightly) improved 

There are still a few things I need to add, correct and tweak before the official release, but this beta version should be stable and usable.

Here are a couple of examples with the new Pencil Sketch 5 effect:


Have fun!


Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Solutions to the printer bug and FotoSketcher 3.95 alpha 1

Hi all,

Recently a few users have reported problems running FotoSketcher because of a printer related error message.

When launching FotoSketcher, you may get a pop-up window reading "Wait for the connection to printer or cancel the connection". This will unfortunately prevent FotoSketcher from running.


The issue may well be related to a recent Windows update, but I have been unable to reproduce the problem. 

It can occur on both Windows 10 or Windows 11 PCs.

If this happens to you, one possible workaround would be to make sure that you have a default printer selected in your Windows settings.

Alternatively, you can download an early version of FotoSketcher 3.95 here:

This alpha version should no longer crash on startup if no printer is detected.

Please let me know in comments below if you still have the problem or if this alpha version solves it for you (fingers crossed).

All the best,
