Sunday, August 5, 2018

Tutorial: turn a photo into an illustration with FotoSketcher

Hi all,

A new version of FotoSketcher (version 3.40) is in the works and should be available soon.
In the meantime, here is a short tutorial on how to get an illustrated look with FotoSketcher 3.30.

1 - Open your source image in FotoSketcher. In this example, I have used this photo: (credits Julie Tijerina).

2 - Reduce the size of the source image to 50% of the original size (press CTRL-R to bring up the resize window).

3 - Choose the Pen & Ink Sketch 2 effect with the parameters shown below and click on the Draw! button.

4 - Press CTRL-C to copy the sketch into your clipboard (we will use it later)

5 - Choose the Painting 9 (watercolor) effect with the parameters shown below and press the Draw! button.

6 - Swap the left and right images by pressing the F12 key (the watercolor will now appear in the left panel and will be used as source).

7 -  Choose the Painting 1 (watercolor) effect with the parameters shown below and press the Draw! button.

8 - We are nearly there! Now press CTRL-V to paste the sketch image we created in step 3.

9 - Choose the Merge source and result images with the parameters shown below and press the Draw! button (you can optionally add a texture and frame).
10 - Save your illustration (press CTRL-S) to your hard drive and you're  done :)

And here is the final result (click on image to see in full size):

All the best and have a great summer,
