Hi all,In the past months, I have been busy working in partnership with other developers to port some of the FotoSketcher algorithms to platforms other than Windows.

Even though it is not free, it is very reasonably priced. Here is a screenshot:

One is 100% free (but doesn't allow you to save your works of art):
The full app is very affordable:
Here is a screenshot:

I hope you will enjoy playing with these apps.
Best regards,
Sketcher is a nice app .... but the rendered results don't look like what you see on the preview screen. Is it a bug or a feature?
Hi Martin,
I was not involved directly in the development of Sketcher, so I can't say for sure, but I believe the programmers will work on that. I know that have experienced similar problems with FotoSketcher (the results vary a lot depending on the image size).
Bonjour David,
Does that mean that the next version of Fotosketcher (for Windows) will not be free?
When should we expect your next version?
Bonne journée !
Peter (BC)
Bonjour Peter,
No worries, the next version of FotoSketcher will be free, as always ;-)
I don't know when it will be ready, though. If all goes well, before the end of july. If not... it will probably be september.
Is there an iPhone app for fotosketcher?
No, unfortunately there isn't at this time.
If an iPhone developer is interested in a partnership to implement my algorithms, they are more than welcome to contact me.
Hi there
Is the offer for an iPad developer still available???
Hi Chris,
Unfortunately, no. For various reasons I am no longer able to offer a development partnership.
Good luck with your projects!
Best regards,
David. (you are the right one to ask?)
Where is the d/l link to buy this app. for Mac??
Hi drbob,
The software for Mac is called Sketcher and can be downloaded and purchased from the link provided above in the article (
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