Saturday, July 11, 2020

FotoSketcher 3.60 is officially released

Hi all,

FotoSketcher 3.60 is now available for download from

Change log for version 3.60:

- UI/UX improvements (new splash screen, new material design icons in menus, for both light and dark themes, support for the keyboard right and left keys in the parameters window).

- better brushstroke placement in the Painting 4 algorithm.

- support for High Definition export in Painting 4 (up to 20,000x20,000 pixels).

- possibility of loading and optimizing multiple custom brushes in Painting 4.

- saving of Painting 4 custom brushes in a .fsk parameters file.

- support for a different background color in the Oil Pastel sketch and Painting 4 effects.

- Speed improvement for Pencil Sketch 1.

- bug fix in Painting 7.

- new tool available to reset the .ini file if FotoSketcher crashes on startup.

Should you get an error message at startup, this could be due to a corruption in the FotoSketcher.ini file. Here is a tool which will delete and reset the .ini file automatically:

Have fun!


Thursday, July 9, 2020

FotoSketcher 3.60 Release Candidate 1 - available for testing

Hi all,

FotoSketcher 3.60 is almost ready and a release candidate is now available for testing.

Here is a list of changes since version 3.50:

- UI/UX improvements (new splash screen, new material design icons in menus, both for light and dark themes).

- better brushstroke placement in the Painting 4 algorithm.

- support for HD export in Painting 4. After processing in Painting 4, a HD button will appear which allows you to export the painting to sizes up to 20000x20000 pixels. Great for printing at larger sizes.

- also in Painting 4, there is now the possibility to load multiple custom brushes (transparent black & white 32bit .png files). When opening the custom brushes, press CTRL or SHIFT to select multiple images. The loaded brushstroke images can then be automatically optimized for best results.

- if you have loaded custom brushes in Painting 4, you can save this information in a parameters file for later reloading of the same custom brushes.

- In the Oil Pastel sketch and Painting 4 effects, you can now choose the background color of your painting. To do so, choose one of those 2 effects in the drop down list, then right-click on the preview image.

- In the parameters window you can now change the position of the slider simply by pressing the left or right keyboard keys.

- Speed improvement for Pencil Sketch 1 (the oldest effect in FotoSketcher, which dates back to 2007!)

Here is the download link to FotoSketcher 3.60 Release Candidate 1:

Enjoy :)
