As promised, a beta version of FotoSketcher 1.95 is now available for download. The direct download link is:
I would be grateful if you could let me know if any bugs are still lurking in the shadows... I have tested in Windows 7 and everything seems all right to me. Don't hesitate to contact me ( if you encounter difficulties in XP or Vista.
There are quite a few changes from 1.9, but here are some I can think of:
- two new stylised effects (squares and dots)
- two new miscellaneous effects (vivify photo and alphablend source and drawing - only enabled if the source and result images are the same size, ie no frame)
- larger preview for source image retouch
- faster load time
- new realistic frame
- new triptych frame
Best regards,

Merci David !!!
Une Bonne et Heureuse Année !!!
Amitiés provençales.
Merci et meilleurs vœux pour vous également !
David, Just found FotoSketcher a few days ago (via CNET or something else recommendation) and I find your work fantastic. Thank you!
Stas aka SMS from Poland
Podziękowanie !
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