I've just uploaded an early beta version of FotoSketcher 2.20 here: http://www.fotosketcher.com/FotoSketcher_beta.exe

The main new feature is the manual brush, which enables you to apply an effect to a specific portion of the image (with variable brush size and transparency).
I hope you'll like it and I look forward to your feedback :-)
Best regards,
Hi David,
My cursor disappears in the right hand window in trying to brush in a mask.
I used the manual brush I found its ok to use but I need a brush icon appering so I know where im cliking
and can you also have fill in effect like rather then using the manual brush you just like using the smart scissors but not cutting it out rather to recognize the area I want to fill in expample tracing my face only
I truly LOVE that new brush-correction addition. Well implemented too, brush over the area and it's all done fine and even integrated well into the un masked bits..
But, there's always a but - every time you do it (with multiple corrections on the one image, I mean), it pops up the painting bow thing (the one qhown at the end of the main work session).
Is there a way to disable that, or hve I just missed a tick box to not show it or something?
Sorry to be a pest, I've also noticed something else.
If you click on the button to use the new brush before you start the main work-flow, you don't see it doing anything in the right hand window (it still does the effect though). If you don't click this button, you can watch FotoSketcher doing its 'thing', then click it for the fix-ups.
You might want to warn people so you don't get complaints about how it's not doing anything (on a long-time work job, I mean).
The other thing I've only just noticed is that the frames are rather low resolution when you are working on a big image. Is there any way to have external frame files?
Thanks, again, for all your work on this!
Thank you all for your feedback!
There is indeed a bug with the cursor when using the new manual brush. It works fine on my development machine, but I've tested on another PC and the cursor is indeed invisible.
I will try to find where the bug lies and I will squash it!
I'll add another comment here when a new beta is ready.
David - FYI
I'm using a laptop with Windows 7, 64bit and the cursor shows up and works as you described in a previous blog.
Thank you Skip. What is strange is that I have 2 Windows 7 64bit PCs (one development desktop and one laptop) and it works on the first one but not on the second...
I'm working on it as we speak.
OK, I think I've nailed it. I'm still not a 100% satisfied as the cursor is not anti-aliased, but at least you can see it now!
Please download the beta again (same link) and let me know if that works for you.
I have also made the parameters window not reappear automatically while the manual brush window is active.
I have modified slightly Pencil Sketch 1 (sharper) and Painting 8 (more painterly).
Bonjour David,
Sorry for the English readers, but I'll write in French, since my system is in French.
Le paramétrage de mon écran utilise une échelle de 120 ppp au lieu de 96 ppp. (Panneau de config - Personnalilsation - Régler la taille de la police (en ppp)). Ainsi, le texte à l'écran est plus gros, ce qui me facilite la tâche... vu mon âge avancé :-)
Ainsi, lorsque j'utilise la nouvelle fonction "Retouche - Brush", je ne peux pas voir les curseurs. Il m'est donc impossible de modifier la taille ou l'intensité du pinceau. Par contre, si je passe en mode 96 ppp, je peux voir les curseurs.
La taille de mon écran est 1680x1050 (format 16:9).
Suggestion possible: Avoir le choix de modifier la boîte de dialogue du pinceau (Brush) au lieu de la laisser fixe.
Merci encore!
J'ai changé la taille de la police de l'écran pour 96 ppp et je peux très bien voir les curseurs.
Maintenant, j'ai un autre problème: Même si je modifie la taille du pinceau (à l'aide du curseur), j'obtiens toujours la même taille du pinceau. Je l'ai testé avec une photo assez large (+3Mb) et il m'est impossible de traiter une zone plus large en modifiant (plus grand ou plus petit) la largeur du pinceau.
Tu sauras sans doute régler ce petit "bug" facilement ;-)
Bonjour Pierre (Peter),
Il y a effectivement encore quelques petits ajustements à faire. Je pense que la version 2.20 officielle ne sortira pas avant septembre (congés oblige).
Bonjour David,
j'ai trouvé votre logiciel par hasard et pratiquant un peu le pastel sec, j'ai essayé de modifier quelques unes de mes photos afin de les réaliser ensuite sur papier.
Le résultat est spectaculaire : je ne sais pas si vous pratiquez la peinture ou le dessin mais les effets sont extraordinaires.
Pour ma part, je ne me suis intéressé qu'au rendu intitule "pastel à l'huile" car il se rapprochait plus à ce que voulais obtenir.
Les résultats me plaisent beaucoup cependant, à la toute dernière phase de l'opération, alors que l'ensemble de la photo ait été "pastellisée", un voile opaque vient se superposer. je trouve cela dommage car il appaltit l'image et donne moins la sensation de profondeur.
Cela est-il normal ou est-ce moi qui m'y prends mal.
J'ai essayé sur beaucoup de photos avec des valeurs de réglage différentes et à chaque fois, ce voile vient se superposer.
Merci pour votre réponse et bravo, de tous les logiciels que j'ai pu tester, le votre est de loin le meilleur.
PS: la fenêtre d’aperçu me semble un peu petite.
Merci Bruno pour votre commentaire. Effectivement, l'algorithme de l'effet pastel à l'huile éclaircit l'image à la fin du traitement, ce qui peut donner une impression de voile sur la photo. Je corrigerai cela dans la prochaine version, mais en attendant, vous pouvez interrompre le processus juste avant la fin en appuyant sur la touche ESC et sauvegarder l'image à ce moment-là.
can have fill in effect like rather then using the manual brushlike using the smart scissors but not cutting it out rather to recognize the area I want to fill in expample tracing my face only then fill the effect in
Hi Zakir,
This smart fill function you describe is not planned but I may add a kind of lasso selection tool in a future release.
Hi David:
Am enjoying the manual brush. Great work and thank you! Great news that you are considering a Linux (Ubuntu?) version.
Please don't lose sight of the fact that what you have developed is an awesome simulated painting tool. Personally, I'd like to see you concentrate more on the 'art' side. There is always the temptation to incorporate more and more editing capabilities found in Photoshop, Gimp, etc. which have the danger of making your software unwieldy, a trade off that I am sure you don't take lightly. I'm guessing most of us have some experience with those tools, if we need to augment our efforts.
Question: Is there a help file containing shortcut keys?
Hi Merv,
Thank you for your comment. The part I prefer when developing FotoSketcher is thinking up ideas for new effects and testing them. What I don't like so much is working on the interface or reinventing the wheel (lots of free or commercial photo retouching programs will always be much more powerful for photo editing). So don't worry, I will continue to work on the 'art' side of FotoSketcher ;-) As for a help file with shortcuts, there isn't one I'm afraid (I'll get round to it one day), but here are a few tips: http://fotosketcher.blogspot.com/2009/03/some-user-interface-tips.html
HI David,
Here is a suggestion: Would it be possible to add a function for the box that opens up when we choose "Brush" that could use the mouse wheel?
As I said before, When my screen scale is set at 120 ppp I cannot see the two controls. I have to bring down to 96. Not very practical to move back and forth, since I have to reboot each time.
Hence my suggestion, that way I would only have to click on the left side icon to activate it, and then move the mouse wheel to change the size.
Whatever you do, thank you for a great software!
Hi David,
I'm a first time user of fotosketcher and I LOVE IT! This has to be one of the best and most practical software I have ever come across.Thanks for the superb work and I wish you well in your future work. Kudos!
@Peter: I've been away from my PC for a couple of weeks, but I will soon upload a more polished beta of 2.20 which allows to change the brush size with the mouse wheel.
@Rogoi: Thank you very much for your nice comment. I'm glad that you like FotoSketcher :-)
Hello David
Just giving you some Idea's for new Effects
I have done my research and found a particular website that has Art type effects Called anymaking.com can you please have a look at it
The ones I like are
1. HDR effect
2. Computer art
Hope this will help you
Hi Zakir,
Thanks for the link. I will try their effects. From what I can see, some filters are free and others require a premium account.
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