Friday, March 3, 2017

FotoSketcher for Mac available (experimental, but usable)

Hi all,

As you may know, FotoSketcher is a Windows only program and I am currently working on a truly multiplatform version (testing on Android at first).
But since it is a complete rewrite of most of my code (which can be a good thing to iron out some bugs), it is also a rather large undertaking for a single hobbyist programmer like myself.

Having been asked many times for a MacOS version, I looked into various solutions: emulation software (either free like WineHQ or not, like Parallels Desktop), or recompilation with a cutting edge framework (crossVCL, which looks very promising).

In the meantime, I have packaged the latest FotoSketcher version (3.30 at this time) into a Mac compatible program using WineBottler.
Here the .zip file (warning 75 MB, thank you for hosting):

Just open it and run FotoSketcher on your Mac! 

CAVEAT : I have only tested on OS X El Capitan. Apart from a few quirks - mainly visual - I have found FotoSketcher to work fine. But, as usual, use at your own risk and I shall not be held responsible should anything bad happen.

How to install:

Once you've downloaded, move it to the location of your choice (I have simply chosen the desktop).

Then open the .zip file as shown below:

This will extract FotoSketcher and create the program icon.

Double-click to run, and voila!

One of the problems you may encounter is that the trackbars will not update correctly (as shown in the screenshot above). However, you can still move the cursor to the value you want and the parameters will be changed accordingly.

Have fun :)

Best regards,



Anonymous said...

Bonjour David, first of all, thnaks for your job.
Is this fotosketcher available for Ipad too?, can we download and use it on our Ipads?

Thanks again.

David said...

Bonjour and thank you for your comment :)
At this time, FotoSketcher only runs in Windows and MacOS (thanks to WineBottler). A mobile version, which will run on Android and iOS (both iphones and ipads) is in the works, but will not be ready until a few months.

Anonymous said...

Ok, David, thanks for the information and for replying too fast.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this. Will there soon be a version that works on Mac Sierra? currently this version won't install.
Many thanks!

David said...


I have not yet been able to test on Sierra, so thank you for this valuable feedback.
I cannot promise a quick solution, but I do intend to make FotoSketcher run on the most current OS for Mac.

I'll post on this blog if I make progress.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see this great program made accessible to more people.

A small thing. The Windows (x64) version of 3.30 asks to go to the website to download version 3.30 when clicking 'Check for update'. It is the latest version already.

The 32 bit version of v3.30 says FotoSketcher is up to date.

David said...

Thanks for the heads-up. It's a stupid bug really (mind you I have never heard of an intelligent bug...) and I'll correct it in the next release.

Anonymous said...

Okay, cheers. I have never heard of an intelligent bug either. ;)

shutterbugzz said...

Would love to see a Mac version... I am sure it is not your priority:-( but if you ever do, I am following you! You are a very generous person! I have seen this work on a Windows machine and it is fantastic!

David said...

Thank you, shutterbuggzz :)
BTW, you should still be able to use FotoSketcher on your Mac, even if you have the latest Sierra. It is a little bit more convoluted than on El Capitan, due to security measures, but apparently it works. Follow the instructions here:

Anonymous said...

Bonjour David, je possède un Mac et j'ai essayé de télécharger votre logiciel mais ça ne marche pas, je ne sais pas pourquoi.
Avez-vous une explication ? Merci d'avance.

Anonymous said...

Bonjour David, je possède un Mac et j'ai essayé de télécharger votre logiciel mais ça ne marche pas, je ne sais pas pourquoi.
Avez-vous une explication ? Merci d'avance.

David said...

Bonjour Bruno,
Je n'ai pu tester que sur MacOS El Capitan, mais j'ai eu des retours d'utilisateurs qui comme vous n'ont pas pu faire fonctionner FotoSketcher. Si vous êtes sous MacOS Sierra, l'installation est un peu plus compliquée (voir
Je vais prochainement upgrader mon Mac virtuel en MacOS Sierra pour tester et je ferai un post détaillé.

Anonymous said...

Merci David pour cette rapide réponse.
C'est exactement mon cas donc j'attends votre prochain Poste.
Bien à vous.

Unknown said...


Just to let you know that I tried to open the Foto Sketcher app in Sierra 10.12.4 Mac OS using the direction you provided link to in comments above.

Unfortunately, it didn't work. Sigh!

Any other help or comments would be appreciated. Thanks,

David said...

Hi Donna,

That's a shame :( On Sierra I was hoping that it would work fine.
In order to investigate further, can you send me an e-mail at with more details (error message if you get one, description of what happens, etc.)?



Unknown said...

Hi David,
really thanks to you for the FotoSketch's version for MAC, it's really useful.

Peter (BC) said...

Salut David,

Comment, plus de mises à jour et de nouveautés ?
As-tu laissé tomber les adeptes du PC ?

C'est une blague, car je sais que tu dois avoir les mains pleines avec le MAC :)


David said...

Bonjour Peter,

Promis, je ne laisse pas tomber la version PC :) Je suis d'ailleurs en train d'expérimenter avec un nouvel algorithme de simulation de coup de pinceau. Mais c'est vrai que la version Mac me prend du temps et aussi la version Android !

Bien cordialement,


Sahara said...

Great tool on the MAC; thank you!

It is working perfectly on my MAC, and the renderings are awesome...

You really ought to make this a commercial product; it does a far better job than any other software I have tried (many). The renderings are beautiful and look hand painted.

David said...

Thank you for your feedback and kind comment! I'm really glad that you could run FotoSketcher on your Mac and that you liked the results :)

Unknown said...

Difficulty to use my creation: After saving the picture I cannot find the picture in Finder or another place.

David said...

When saving your work (keyboard shortcut CTRL+S), FotoSketcher should ask you where you want to save your file. I just tested and saved to the desktop. It worked fine. If you still encounter problems (a bug is always possible!), you can try to copy (CTRL+C) your work and paste it in another program.

Alain POUGEOISE said...

Does not work on MacOS X Sierra, even with Ctrl clic to open....

Anonymous said...

The mac download works on Sierra. Used Davids advice from April 9th. If I find it useful I will donate. Thanks

David said...

That's great news, thank you for your feedback!

Unknown said...

Hi David. I have been using 1.4.1 on my Mac running OSX El Cap. It seems to work fine. Do I uninstall it before downloading this newest version?

David said...

Hi Jeri,
There is no need to uninstall anything, you can just run the latest version.

John MS said...


David said...

You're welcome :)

Jim Demers said...

There's a real market for software that converts greyscale to line drawings: patent professionals get a lot of CAD drawings from inventors, and need to comply with patent office regulations calling for b&w line drawings.
To the extent you can get "pencil sketch" to deliver clean lines and turn grey preferentially to white, you've got something you can easily sell. (Maybe add a 'technical drawing' mode?) Law firms and lawyers will pay pretty much whatever you decide to charge.

David said...

Hi Jim, Thanks for your comment. I like the "technical drawing" idea, might even try a blueprint effect... Concerning the financial side of things, I want to keep FotoSketcher free. The monetization is just ads and donations, which helps pay for my hobby :)

Gordon Pritchard said...

I'm on High Sierra. Hold down the "control" key and you'll be able to open it.

Gordon Pritchard said...

Works on the latest OS. A bit slow and menus are Windows so it's confusing to navigate. But it does work.

David said...

Thank you for the great tip!

David said...

Thanks for the feedback :)

Lori Geiger said...

Hi David,
Thank you for this fun app! I am using it on a Mac using Sierra 10.12.6. It is so slow and clunky :0(
Please, please, please make an updated version for Mac OS.
Many thanks,

David said...

Hi Lori,
I am indeed currently working on a brand new multi-platform version of FotoSketcher. MacOS will be supported. In the meantime, you can try using smaller images (you can resize them in FotoSketcher) to reduce processing time.

Unknown said...

Hi David,
Thank you for this app. I tried to use it, but the open a picture window can't show my folder, it looked like others computer. How can I import my picture to this?

David said...

Hi Sakina,
There are two things you could try:
- copy the image from another program to the clipboard and then paste in FotoSketcher.
- if that fails you could also move the image you are trying to open to your desktop and open it from there.
This version of FotoSketcher is very much experimental, and I will iron out these kind of bugs in the real MacOS version.

Lori Geiger said...

Thank you for all of your hard work and the suggestion! Will definitely have to buy you a coffee! ;0)

David said...

Thank you :)

Sandeepweb said...


This sounds like a great app. I downloaded it for my latest Mac Version, Catalina but the app simply won't open. Also, I would like to suggest that if you gave an option to make the photo conversions to sketches online, i.e. on your website, it'll be even better.

All the best.

stevewong said...

Thanks for creating the software! However, I can confirm that it won't work in Catalina, even after sorting out the permissions thing.

David said...

Hi Steve,
yes, I've looked into it and that is because MacOS Catalina no longer supports 32bit applications. Even though FotoSketcher does exist in 64bit for Windows, the Wine encapsulation is currently 32bit only.
So FotoSketcher for Mac is usable only up to MacOS Mojave (tested and works OK).
BTW, I've also recently purchased and installed Parallels Desktop on my Mac and FotoSketcher works like a charm with it.

Darcy Geale said...

Many years ago I used a similar product on Windows, today I use a Mac. Should I but Paralells or wait for the Mac version of your software?

David said...

Hi Darcy, if you are still on MacOS 10.14 Mojave, I will release very soon a compatible version. However, if you are already on 10.15 Catalina, you will need to use BootCamp, Parallels Desktop or CodeWeavers CrossOver. The latter is the cheapest option as it does not require to purchase a copy of MS Windows.

Anonymous said...

Hi, is Fotosketcher available for current OS for Mac, I can't seem to make hot open or download?