This new version adds quite a lot of new features and improvements.
Here is a list of things added or changed from previous versions:
- brand new interface (clearer and more responsive), with icons
- batch processing function
- load and save drawing parameters
- drag and drop image file on the application icon
- drag and drop image file on the source image pane
- optimised median filter (painting 3 rendering is now
twice as fast)
- small bug-fix in painting 2 and 3 algorithms
- realistic frames
- add text function
- possibility to cancel an operation
- faster 'increase colour saturation', 'simplify source image' and 'increase contrast' algorithms
- smooth resize source image to any size (with better dialog form)
- drag images with the mouse
- keyboard shortcuts to most functions
- added a donation button for those who wish to support the development of FotoSketcher
Here is a screenshot of version 1.7:

As usual, don't hesitate to send me your remarks and suggestions at the following address:
contact@fotosketcher.comBest regards,